Monday 10 January 2011

Selections in Photoshop

Hi, we all use selections inside Photoshop, in this article I go trough the Selections and will give some tips as I go along.

So let's start with the Elliptical Marquee.
If you can't see the Elliptical Marquee, you can click and hold the mouse over the marquees, you can right click on the marquees or if you like to use the shortcut key, Holt SHIFT and click M until you get the Elliptical.
Now that you have the Elliptical selected you can draw a oval shape or a perfect circle, to achieve a perfect circle hold SHIFT while dragging the desired selection, but if you want to select a circle in an existing image, once you have the center of that circlewith the marquee start dragging with the mouse and after you start Hold SHIFT,(to get a perfect circle) and hold also ALT (Option on MAC) holding the ALT(Option on Mac) it will select from the middle, however if the selection is slightly off you can move it with the mouse or with the arrow keys, if you add SHIFT to the arrow keys you can move every 10px.

When you have a selection if you want to add to the existing selection, just Hold SHIFT and start selecting whatever you like.
But lets say that you want to subtract something from the existing selection, its very simple, just Hold ALT(Option on Mac) and start subtracting with a selection tool.
However if you want to intersect with an existing selection just use SHIFT+ALT.
If you have a selection that you want to copy, just select the move tool and hold Alt and just drag the selection.But if you have a very complex selection and you want to save, just go to Select->Save selection, that you create a new channel based on your selection, so when you need it again when working on that project it's always there.

I will continue to explain how to work with selections and will make some tutorials so you can see the possibilities of selections.

Kind Regards to all


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